To Assist You in Making Your Stay More Pleasant,
Please Read the Following Information.
OFFICE: The office is open from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM. Closed one hour for lunch.
PETS: All pets (including cats) must be on a leash at all times. AN ELECTRONIC LEASH IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Owners must clean up after their pets. Please do not leave pets unattended outside or leave pet food outside. Pets are not allowed in any of the park buildings. The ONLY place that a leash is not required is in Dog Run. To avoid injury to others, please do not attach clotheslines, dog leashes or any other all-purpose lines to anything other than your own rig.
INCOMING MAIL: Is to be sent to the local post office:
c/o your name,
General Delivery,
Livingston, TX 77351.
OUTGOING MAIL: May be placed in the rural mailbox in front of Manager’s Office.
MESSAGES: Emergency messages will be delivered to your RV. Other messages will be posted on the message board outside the office.
Wi-Fi INTERNET: LivCom Wi-Fi available in the “Oaks” campground section, sites 110 to 182 and can be purchased from your computer.
GOOD NEIGHBOR POLICY: Please do not infringe on others by parking your vehicles on or walking through another site. Please keep all your personal items (i.e., satellite dishes, drying racks, cars, etc.) inside the boundaries of your site.
QUIET TIME: 10:00 PM to 7:30AM.
GENERATOR HOURS: Are to be used ONLY between the hours of 7:30 AM-9:30 AM, 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM and 4:00 PM to 7:30 PM.
TRASH: Please put trash in plastic bags and place them in a dumpster.
SWIMMING POOL: Hours are 10 a.m. to dusk. Rules posted at the pool. All swimming is “AT YOUR OWN RISK”. NO LIFE GUARDS ON DUTY. Children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult. NO GUM, GLASS or FOOD permitted in the swimming pool or swimming area. No running or diving allowed. No pets in the swimming area.
EMERGENCY: Call *911 from a cell phone for fire, police or medical emergencies. If you are unable to leave your rig, honk your horn and turn on your lights.
WEATHER INFORMATION: In the case of impending tornado alert, take shelter in the restrooms at the laundry building. Avoid large-span roofed areas like the Clubhouse (CH) or Activity Center (AC). Rainbow’s End is located in Polk County. Walker County is to the WEST; Liberty County is to the SOUTH; Tyler County is to the EAST; and, Trinity County is to the NORTH.
SEWER CONNECTIONS: Must be threaded connectors or rubber donut (may be purchased at the office). We are on a wastewater treatment plant, which would be damaged by harsh chemicals like formaldehyde, nitrate detergents, bleach, antifreeze, etc.
All TOWED TRAILERS AND FIFTH WHEELS: Must have a vehicle capable of towing said unit out of the park throughout the rental period. YOU MUST NOT LEAVE YOUR RV UNATTENDED FOR 24 HOURS OR MORE WITHOUT NOTIFYING THE MANAGEMENT.
CHILDREN: Ages 15 and younger must be supervised by parent or guardian.
OIL CHANGES: Check at the office.